
Kata Pepatah

"Sedikit demi sedikit lama-lama menjadi bukit."

Ungkapan yang eksis dalam pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia semasa SD.
(mungkin) klise.
Tapi (bisa jadi) benar, kan?

Thank You :")

Let me share about my unexpected gift that came to me several months ago.
First, this fabric covered book from crafty friend, Kiara Flisha. She makes many cute notebooks and cute button fabric. Her brand is called 'Khama Khama', and if you wanna see her adorable products, you can see here.

She gave me this notebook.
Woooaa that's my favourite: butterfly printed on its cover, love it very much! :D

I'll use this lovely notebook for my next diary, hehe.
And she also gave me a vintage postcard + poem written behind it. She wrote about my poems, my writing, my works :)

" ...............
Maka teruslah bersenandung, Nona!
Ceritakan  hujan, awan, juga angin.
Dan aku suka caramu menoreh warna.
.................. "
-Kiara Flisha-

Thank youuuu, Mbak :)

Second, this is a gift from my college friend, Teh Nunu :) She is my 'partner in crime' in crafty thing, we often go to handmade bazaar or go to another crafty place together. She loves photography and  you can see some of her adorable snapshoots here.

She gave me a book about children illustration! My favourite too!

This book is full of cute illustration and so colorful.

Oooh I always adore a children book and also its illustration <3

 It's very glad to know that there's someone out there who appreciate your interest and your passion, isn't it? :') 

“The best things in life are unexpected,
because there were no expectations.”
-Eli Khamarov-


What I Sew and What I Paint

 For more info please contact me :)


Semester 7: Done!

Halo! :D sudah lama sekali tidak produktif menulis di blog.
Beberapa waktu kemarin akademisku selalu meminta perhatian banyak, banyaaak sekali.
Tapi Alhamdulillah segala urusan akademis di semester kemarin sudah terlewati :)

Sebelum menghadapi sibuknya (lagi-lagi) semester depan, mari kita liburan dulu!
Liburan bukan berarti leha-leha, liburan harus produktif!
Yeaaaay, happy holiday! :D


Songs for IBU :')

You taught me everything
And everything you've given me
I'll always keep it inside
You're the driving force in my life, yeah
There isn't anything
Or anyone that I can be
And it just wouldn't feel right
If I didn't have you by my side
You were there for me to love and care for me
When skies were grey
Whenever I was down
You were always there
To comfort me
And no one else can be
What you have been to me
You'll always be
You will always be the girl
In my life for all times

Mama you know I love you
Mama you're the queen of my heart
Your love is like tears from the stars
Mama I just want you to know
Lovin' you is like food to my soul

You're always there for me
Have always been around for me even when I was bad
You showed me right from my wrong
And you took up for me
When everyone was downin' me
You always did understand
You gave me strength to go on
There was so many times
Looking back when I was so afraid
And then you come to me
And say,
I can face anything
And no one else can do
What you have done for me
You'll always be
You will always be
The girl in my life

Never gonna go a day without you
Fill's me up just thinking about you
I'll never go a day
Without my mama...

(A Song for Mama - Boyz II Men)

Who should I give my love to?
My respect and my honor to
Who should I pay good mind to?
After Allah
And Rasulullah

Comes your mother
Who next? Your mother
Who next? Your mother
And then your father

Cause who used to hold you
And clean you and clothes you
Who used to feed you?
And always be with you
When you were sick
Stay up all night
Holding you tight
That's right no other
Your mother (My mother)

Who should I take good care of?
Giving all my love
Who should I think most of?
After Allah
And Rasulullah

Comes your mother
Who next? Your mother
Who next? Your mother
And then your father

Cause who used to hear you
Before you could talk
Who used to hold you?
Before you could walk
And when you fell who picked you up
Clean your cut
No one but your mother
My mother

Who should I stay rigt close to?
Listen most to
Never say no to
After Allah
And Rasulullah

Comes your mother
Who next? Your mother
Who next? Your mother
And then your father

Cause who used to hug you
And buy you new clothes
Comb your hair
And blow your nose
And when you cry
Who wiped your tears?
Knows your fears
Who really cares?

My mother

Say Alhamdulillah
Thank you Allah
Thank you Allah
For my mother...

(Your Mother - Yusuf Islam)


Halo Desember!

IYA, sudah Desember, penghujung tahun. Dan seperti biasa, sedang musim penghujan. Ada sendu, ada lara, tapi terselip juga harap. Tahun ini akan segera berakhir, dan sungguh aku sudah terlampau lelah. Saking lelahnya jadi tidak terasa lamanya hari demi hari. Jenuh pada rutinitas. Dan tahun ini aku menemukan yang baru. Entah untung atau sial. Karena aku jadi lupa, karena aku jadi ingin cepat-cepat, lalu aku jadi ingin  buru-buru. Egoiskah? Apa seperti membuang sepah yang sudah tidak lagi manis? Kita lihat saja nanti. Yang pasti, sekarang sedang mengarungi Desember. Yang walau penuh hujan, di ujungnya pasti ada penghabisan. Mari lihat saja nanti. Tapi ada pelangi, kan?


Live Simply :)

" Alhamdulillah dan Bismillah.
Karena hidup semestinya selalu mengiringkan yang dua itu,
bersyukur atas apa yang sudah, dan berusaha untuk yang akan. "



Two-side Pouch

"Anak Soleh"

"Twinkle Stars"


FYI, pouch yang dipesan bisa digambar bolak-balik loh! seperti foto-foto di atas :D
 Thank youuuuu :)

for more info please contact me :)


"Sekali teman tetap teman."
-Plaza Widya Nusantara, Bandung Institute of Technology-

Congratulation for the graduation!

Elmo :3

Say "Hello!" to Elmo :D

for more info please contact me :)



Quotes of the Day

"Apa pun cita-citamu.Yang sederhana maupun yang tidak. Wujudkan sedekat mungkin dengan kebahagiaan hatimu."
- @endahNrhesa -

“An architect is the drawer of dreams.” 
- Grace Mcgarvie -

“Self-trust is the first secret of success “ 
- Ralph Waldo Emerson -

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Fairy Tale

I’m in love with fairy tale.
A story about prince and princess.
Once upon a time…

for info and order please contact me :)
